The New PC – Pizza Coupons – FREE – on your Personalized Computer Screensaver
Pizza and Pajamas 3 pizza investment ideas for back-to-school marketing and advertising. http://www.pizzaandpajamas.com/Pizza-Investments/3-Pizza-Investment-Ideas-Back-to-School.htm At 7th Stream Marketing, we believe you look at your computer screensaver much the same way you view a TV advertisement (on your TV “screensaver”) – but only -- when the content is relevant. Free pizza coupons are always relevant, and especially so to college students living in dorm rooms. Could the new, game-changing 30-second ad business model “begin” with locally targeted pizza coupons on a free screensaver? I believe Comcast thinks so. Comcast recently purchased Chirp to add to its media publishing system (MPS) called The Platform. Chirp’s assets involved technical development resources associated with screensavers – combining social networking with media consumption capabilities. Facebook, for instance, is where college students live online. Comcastcares. Pizza may become much more than a cheesy way to start a two-way conversation. I believe a digital appetite for change will begin will pizza. Comcast, owning the intellectual property of Chirp, will now be able to use this technology as a source of revenue generation, not simply for computer screens, but TV screens, branded cordless phone screens, cell phone screens, etc. Do a trash survey. Pizza is universally relevant. Pizza offers an engaging opportunity, as a premium commodity, to build consumer and advertiser loyalty with customized content. Is it cardboard, or is it content? Is Comcast’s brand about cable, or the living room couch – opposite the big screen? Blockbuster missed the convenience factor that Netflix seized upon. What’s missing from Comcast’s customer experience? Perhaps, it is as simple as a relationship with a group of its customers known as college students. After all, every dorm room has a TV in it. Ask any parent, who will begin packing up their son or daughter off to college in a few weeks, to verify this fact. Be bold, be daring, be first – to attach your brand to Pizza and Pajamas. Pizza and Pajamas is an innovative company seeking to grow and expand its trademarked name and product – with your brand. All strategic opportunities will be entertained by contacting webslices@pizzaandpajamas.com - or 7th Stream Marketing, LLC webslices@7thstreammarketing.com - or calling us at 856.854.7078.
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